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Sales Leadership

can be learned

93% get there through Sales Leadership Training

The Leader's Challenge
Rising stakeholder expectations

Leaders face new situations every day. Their comfort with uncertainty and ambiguity is often considered to be hallmarks of competence!  Yet every leader gets stuck sometimes.  


Such situations are often faced when having to step up to a new or higher responsibility, dealing with performance or team issues, setting up or changing processes, or scaling the organization up or down.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created it.


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The Leader's Way Forward
Leverage the Coach's Expertise

Like champion sportspersons handle demands on them by leaning on a Coach to help them navigate the journey of continuous change and betterment.


AltParadigms Business Coaching Solutions helps leaders seeking expert Coaching support in making business impacting decisions. This includes training and mentoring workshops, group and one-on-one coaching, and online/webinar courses.

Be led by your dreams; not by your problems.


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Coaching   Training   Courses   Tools

Business Coaching by definition is goal-oriented – generating new ideas or solutions, or aligning a new or diverse team behind important goals or projects, or enhancing performance of a team for ambitious outcomes.


Coaching Solutions from AltParadigms include intensive training workshops, powerful coaching engagements, and targeted online courses. Also a growing Toolbox of Frameworks, Concepts and Methods. Read on to learn more. 

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Open Registration Program for Sales Leaders

The future of Sales is vastly different from what we have seen in the past. Technology is not just an enabler, but has changed the game for Sales. Customers know much more about vendors and their products than ever before. Sales reps have to think beyond product knowledge and raw sales aggression, to survive in the profession.


It takes Transformative Sales Leadership to become & stay effective in this new reality. And take their competitive position to a higher level. Full Sales Ahead is the ideal program for ambitious Sales leaders wanting to take on larger roles and making  impact!.





Corporate Training & Mentoring Workshops

BOOTCAMP is an intensive Workshop method from AltParadigms, incorporating a combination of subject matter inputs along with Coaching to address the mental chatter  that comes in the way of execution.


AltParadigms offers two workshops - one focused on enhancing Sales Performance and the other on creating new/improved Value Proposition. Ideal for cohort sizes of 6=16 participants comprising experienced professionals and leaders, BootCamp is conducted over multiple sessions ranging from 2-4 days.


AltParadigms Coaching Methodology

This is the AltParadigms signature method, and  borrows from the idea of physical fitness as well as a problem-solving method made famous at GE. As with physical fitness improving by working out, the executive ability to think and act is enhanced by this method of Coaching.


WORKOUT is a one-on-one or group engagement, envisaged for Development coaching – helping new business leaders with specific development goals, and Executive coaching – working with senior executives to help them improve their game, addressing behavioral or emotional issues to enhance performance and impact.



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About the Founder

Driven by the vision of coaching and mentoring ten thousand ambitious startups and growth-stage business leaders, Anand Iyer founded Alt Paradigms- a platform to redefine Business Coaching.


His hands-on business experience serves him well in his quest. As a senior business executive with three decades of experience in MNCs & venture-capital backed startups, he has led several companies in India, as well as Asia sales operations of over US$ 400 million for a Fortune 1000 company.


Coaching Credentials

  • Coached and mentored over 200 Business Leaders including Entrepreneurs and Sales Leaders

  • ICF Trained Coach (2019-20) from COACHARYA, an International Coaching Alliance

  • Resident Mentor at NSR Center for Entrepreneurial Learning at IIM Bangalore

  • Certified 7-Habits Trainer (2019) from Franklin Covey

  • Authored training content and courses, articles and books for Entrepreneurs and Sales Leaders

  • Created and conducted Workshops and Masterclasses on go-to market, value proposition,  leadership and performance management.

Get the Coaching Edge - Secret of Top Performers
Contact us today, to get more information
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